Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

These last few days have been a whirlwind. I can hardly believe it is the day after Christmas and all the festivities are over. It is probably the saddest day of the year for me because I love Christmas and the anticipation for the holiday so much. I hate waking up on the 26th knowing I have 364 days until next Christmas, when my kids are a year older and growing so much. I do love that I have a January birthday though because it gives me something to look forward to. It is after that is over that I really hate!

Anyhow, we woke up Christmas Eve to a cold morning. We all got ready; I dressed the girls in their adorable Christmas dresses and they looked so beautiful. I put a ponytail in Serena's hair for the first time. It stood straight up on her head and she looked so much like Cindy Lou Who from How The Grinch Stole Christmas that we called her that all day. We headed out into the rain that had started to fall and in the direction of the mall to meet SANTA and do some extremely last minute Christmas shopping. My dad was nice enough to wait in the Santa line for the first half hour and my sister and her friend for the next. We were able to walk around and get our last minute presents bought in this time and when we returned to the line we only had to wait about twenty minutes before it was our turn. We found that the third time was a charm for Serena meeting Santa because she didn't cry! I was so thrilled. She didn't smile still, but SHE DIDN'T CRY and so I was happy. I have an adorable picture that I will have to scan online for everyone to see.

After the mall we headed back home and gave Serena a nap and I finished wrapping Christmas presents. That evening we went to Romano's Macaroni Grill for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner. We missed my aunt and uncle this year, but enjoyed the evening with both sets of parents, my sister and the kids of course. Both the girls did so well at the table and we were able to stay until about 8:30pm. I am looking forward to next Christmas when I am not pregnant and can have a drink again!

Calli went to bed that night so excited for Santa to come in the morning. He made a visit during the night and she couldn't believe her eyes when she woke up the next morning. She was so anxious to unwrap the two presents that Santa left for her and open her stocking. We had to wait for everyone to get downstairs first and Calli was just beside herself trying to contain her excitement. She got lots of little goodies in her stocking and then it was finally on to the presents. Santa had indeed brought her that (princess) fishing pole she asked for and she was SO excited about that. He also brought a Hannah Montana barbie doll for her. For Serena, Santa brought a basketball hoop and balls.

Shortly after that, Richard's parents came over to watch the gift opening and we moved into the living room where the Christmas tree was for the family gifts. Calli got so spoiled with dress up clothes and shoes, a baby doll, a Tinkerbell doll, dresses, Tinkerbell boots, a My Little Pony house, books, a computer (a kids keyboard that hooks up to the real computer and she can learn and play games with) and I can't even remember what else. Serena got a few things, but I didn't go all out like I did with Calli on her first Christmas. With the first, you do everything because they are the first! By the time you are on the second you have all those toys already stored up and know that the baby doesn't even understand what is going on. So she got a few cute things and had a lot of fun. I also enjoyed everyone opening the presents we got them. I got a Sharks watch from my parents which is so cute and I love!

My mom cooked a big breakfast after the present opening and we all got stuffed. After that we got ready and headed down the street to Richard's parents' house for the rest of the celebration. Calli got more fun presents, including the Tinkerbell movie, bath toys and a Sleeping Beauty brush. Serena got a few little baby toys. I think my favorite presents were what I got for everyone else though. Richard's parents are very excited about moving to Texas in a few years so we ordered a Texas gift basket online. It came in a Texas shaped basket with Texas wine and other Texas things. We also ordered Texas wine charms online and stuck those in as well as two bottles of wine with personalized labels with pictures of the kids. My other favorite present was a blanket we made online for Grandma Molly with pictures of the kids.

We spent a lazy rest of the day over there and my parents came over as well. Before I knew it, night had come and we were going to bed and the holiday was over all too soon. Christmas is so special when you have children to share it with.
Calli helping Grandma decorate the Christmas tree
Calli being a goofball with the Hannah Montana wrapping paper
Calli and my little Cindy Lou Who before heading out to the mall on Christmas Eve
The place that Santa meets all the kids is so wonderful. Some of the great things they have are all these windows looking in on the elves. Calli loved them.
Cindy Lou, Grandma Molly and Richard at Christmas Eve dinner
My mom and dad at dinner
Me, Mom and Brittany
Calli and her two grandpas
When we got home from Christmas Eve dinner we got to open our PJs. Calli's had sparkley ballerinas on them and Serena's were PINK with "My First Christmas" on them

Calli waking up Christmas morning and having to wait for everyone to come downstairs
Calli opening her Cinderella stocking
Daddy helping Serena open her stocking
I love this picture of Calli opening her fishing pole. You can really see the excitement on her face and it's priceless!
Calli and her Hannah Montana doll
Serena sitting on top of her present
Grandpa James and Serena
Grandma Keri, Serena and Grandpa James playing with Serena's new basketball toy
Serena and Calli in front of the Christmas tree waiting to open the gifts
Calli in her beautiful Belle dress from Grandma and Grandpa
Serena was Cindy Lou Who times TWO (two ponytails) on Christmas. It was adorable.
Our family Christmas picture. Can you believe next year there will be another little one squeezed in?


Jenna said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas! Usually I hate Boxing day too (is that what you call the 26th aswell?) but this year it was probably better than Christmas day itself. Can't believe last year you were 3, this year 4 and next year you'll be a family of 5! You'll have another first Christmas to look forward too :)

dennisandsong said...

Looks so fun. The kids really do make Christmas what it should be.