Wednesday, July 2, 2008


You don't realize how truely wonderful it is until you lose the ability to experience it. Yes, I only have two kids so it's not as if we have a zoo running around (yet). But with Calli beginning her day around 6:30-7 and Serena not much later, I constantly have some noise buzzing in my ear throughout the day. Calli doesn't nap. She gave those up when she was about two, maybe earlier. So I look forward to about 9pm each night when the kids are in bed and I get a precious half hour or so before I need to pass out myself.

Today is different. Today I decided it was time to impliment "quiet time" for Calli. I took her upstairs (with much protesting on her part), read her a book, and told her that she needs to have her quiet time during the day. She can read her books, play quietly with her toys or even sleep if she wants to (but I made it clear she doesn't have to nap because otherwise I knew she would have a fit). I thought for sure I would hear her up and playing two minutes after I left the room, but amazingly enough, I think she actually fell asleep! Serena and Calli timed their naps together today, both went down around 1:00pm. I feel quite productive! Richard's parents are coming to visit this afternoon and so I have vaccuumed, swept and mopped, cleaned the counters, picked up endless amounts of toys and done two loads of laundry. I have also squeezed in a very unpleasant doctor's appointment and bath for Serena. And now I am taking a break. I love listening to the sound of silence. It is a bittersweet feeling though because I know that at any second a cry will ring through the house and the revery will be broken. I love my kids, but having "me time" keeps me sane and makes me a better mother I think.


dennisandsong said...

Trust me I love my quiet time. I have implemented "alone" time where kids go play in their rooms alone. Unfortunately I usually still have one that still has to be with me, but still to get down to one is the same as quiet for me anymore!
I also have gotten down the 15 minute scramble. This when I can vaccume, do dishes, pick up toys and general tidying and all in 15 minutes. (This is usually the amount of time I have with kids all occupied!) The problem is while it keeps the house tidy I don't seem to have time worked out to actually clean!! That has to wait for Saturdays when Dennis is home!! Then I make him help me! I don't get a day off, why should he??
Sounds like all is well at your house, have a fun visit with the in-laws!!