Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Buying Blue

Now that we know Baby #3 is a boy that means I get to start doing some shopping! Since the girls were both surprises at the delivery, I have a whole bunch of gender neutral 0-3 month clothing. And it seems the yellow/green/white tends to suit baby boys more than girls, so we are all set for the first few months. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from buying a few blue onsies for that age. Mostly though I have been trying to do a bit of shopping for the 3+ month age since that is when all of our clothes turn to pink and frills. I have a friend who has offered to set aside some clothes as her baby boy outgrows them to pass on to me. My sister also nannies for a little boy whose mother offered his outgrown clothes to me. I am grateful to have some hand-me-downs, but that is not going to stop me from purchasing some of my own things. I think that is a new mother's right! We pretty much have pink baby clothes coming out of our ears. We pulled out all the pink after Serena was born and she has also been accumulating new clothes as well from relatives and sometimes from me. She was a spring baby and Calli was born in the summer, so their seasons didn't really sync up all that well. Plus with Serena being a bigger baby than Calli was she could pretty much be wearing Calli's one-year-old summer dresses now in winter.

Anyhow, I've started to do a bit of boy shopping, although where I will put these blue things I have no idea! The first place I looked was Kohls where I found a really cute set of five onsies. That was my first blue purchase. Looking around the rest of the store, I found a couple other things, but nothing to go crazy over. Meanwhile I am drooling over all the cute girl clothes and wishing for a tiny second this was another sweet girl to dress up again! I have briefly looked around Target and found nothing. Then came Babies R Us. I have always noticed that the girls' section of clothing is larger than the boys but I never noticed exactly how much larger until I actually went in it. There is almost nothing!

Here is my plea for the manufacturers of baby clothes: please make them as cute as little girl clothes! Is there a reason that blue can't be cute too? What is with all the trucks? I am tired of seeing trucks! And the dinosaurs; ugly! Puppies are the only animal that seem to dominate the blue clothing. About the only theme I like is the sports, but even that can get old. I know, pants and jeans are not as cute and dresses and skirts. I mean, who can walk through the girls clothing section and not see ten thousand cute items they would like to add to their daughter's closet? But I want my little boy to be well dressed too. So please come up with better clothing options for those of us having to shop for the blue!


Tiffany :) said...

Hah! I feel your pain! Although, I love dinosaurs so I'm cool with that. :) Caleb only wore onsies for as long as would allow and as soon as he was big enough we broke out the baby Hurley. Dillards sale racks! Love them for baby boy stuff :) I'm not sure if the Hurley/Quicksilver/Calvin Klein (pretty much the only cool brands in baby sizes) clothes are your style but we get compliments all the time on how we dress him. :)

Steph said...

Haha I've often said that it seems that they only make boy clothes that have footballs, baseballs, dinosaurs, and dump trucks on them. Or at least that's all I ever seem to see in stores...

mumof2boys said...

I think girls clothes are prettier, obviously, but boys clothes are kinda cute. With Lachie we were so desperate to get him into "big boy clothes" whereas with Mitchell, I just love him being a little boy. Im sure you find your little guy adorable in anyting :)

Heather Guymon said...

See I happen to LOVE little boy clothes but I agree...there's not as much as girl stuff. With Hannah the dresses and stuff got old for me. I must be the only person that feels that way but I have a tendency to be a bit on the tomboy side of things at times.