Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nine Months!

Serena is nine months old today! Hard to believe just three more months before she turns ONE. And not long after that we'll be adding another little one to the family. There is going to be so much going on for us this year and it will be crazy and wonderful. I am sure we are in for a tough second half of the year trying to adjust to and juggle three small children, but I have faith that we can do it. We don't really have a choice. We just do it and get through it and hopefully enjoy some of it :).

We are back from our trip to CA. They always go by so fast and this time is especially hard because we don't know when we'll be returning. Traveling with three kids on an airplane won't be as easy as two (which wasn't all that easy either!). We are just settling back into our life here in Texas again and it feels like we've never really left. We got home around 1am on Friday morning and I was off to the doctor's for my 10am appointment. Everything went well and hearing the baby's heartbeat was really great. I haven't had an appointment with my OB since the whole mess with the ultrasound and amnio and then I went out of town for three weeks so I was a little worried. I have felt small movements I think, but with the third it is hard. I have two very young kids, one who is only nine months old and constantly crawling all over me so I am just not as in tune with my body and pregnancy as I was with the other two. My doctor reassured me that this was normal though and she often hears third time mothers say the same thing about the movement.

Anyhow, things are good on this end. I am just trying to adjust to the "winter" here again with the temperature all over the place. Yesterday was 85 and tomorrow will be 48. Nice. Should help me get rid of this cold for sure! I miss the constant weather patterns, what I really miss is a winter. I got a taste of it and am hungry for more.

Calli and Serena are enjoying all their new toys that Santa and all their other relatives spoiled them with. Serena is getting so smart and BIG. When we were in California she learned how to clap. It is so cute! We say "yaaaaay" and clap our hands together and she gets this big smile on her face and makes the "yay" noise and claps. She also started to point a lot. This just cracks me up because you pick her up and she points at something like she wants you to take her to it. So then she gets to see that and will point to something else she wants to go to. I think she has also started to wave, but it's the backwards wave to herself. Calli did this too and I think a lot of babies do it, where they wave to themselves instead of the opposite. She also cruises like a pro and is very daring, moving from one object to the next. Sometimes she will be holding onto the couch, let go and kind of throw herself towards me to hold on to. Calli was 9.5 months when she took her first steps so perhaps I will writing about that later on this month??? We'll see. She is a very fun baby with an awesome personality and so happy most of the time. She is just getting over her third cold though, which she generously passed onto me.

Calli is Calli. She is hyper and energetic with her little attitude and lots of love. Now that her baby sister is getting bigger and into all her things, she is not wanting to share quite so much. I knew this would happen though, it is just how it goes when you have two spaced pretty close.

No pictures because we left our camera cable in CA so we're waiting on my parents to send it. Oops!