Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Serena Girl!

She had her nine month check-up yesterday. She weighs less than I would have thought, but is still perfect according to the doctor. She is 18 pounds, 5 ounces (50th percentile) and 28 inches (75th percentile). I think she is starting to thin out and will be like her sister. And now that she is on the move more that burns calories. She also has started not liking her bottles. I am actually not too upset to be having this problem since I have to stop the bottles in three months anyway. I would much rather have her rejecting them now than wanting them six times a day. She is lucky if she gets three six ounce bottles a day, yesterday it was two. She just likes to be a big girl and eat her meals at the table. She is completely on table foods and I think just enjoys eating real food instead of formula now. She is a really good eater and the doctor was not concerned so I'm not really either. I think I may start giving her an infant vitamin, just in case! But like I said, I would rather have this problem than the opposite.

I also noticed yesterday when we got home from the doctor that she cut her top left tooth. Yay Serena!


Tiffany :) said...

Yay for check-ups without shots! It's great she's developing perfectly. :) Yay for cutting WAY down on formula!!