Thursday, June 26, 2008


Serena is just 2.5 months and rolling onto her side already. I am not ready for this!! She is a very laid back baby. When she has tummy time she doesn't like to lift her head up off the ground much. However, when we hold her in our laps or arms she has great head control so I'm not too worried about that. I just thought maybe she would take a bit longer to do things since she is just a go-with-the-flow kind of baby. Who knows though, maybe she will be content just rolling onto her side for awhile. I am in no hurry. Once they start rolling on their bellies I get super paranoid at night and can hardly sleep worrying about suffocation. I didn't sleep much until Calli learned to roll from front to back again and I knew she would be fine. Oh well, the joys of motherhood I suppose!

Last week was very busy for us. My sister Brittany was here visiting for the week. She slept in Calli's room on an air mattress on the floor so every morning she got to wake up to Auntie Brittany with her. Sometimes she would just stay in her room playing all morning while Brittany snoozed away somehow managing to sleep through the racket. I don't know how she does it, being such a light sleeper myself. Brittany got to see Calli's dance recital on Saturday night, which I will have to post the pictures of soon and the stories. Calli did so fantastic and I can't wait to get the performance on the DVD I ordered and watch it again. We have a two month break until dance starts up again in August and this time she will have graduated to the Level II class! My little baby is growing up. She turns three on Sunday and has her birthday party on Saturday. So far we only have one RSVP so either a lot of people will show up without having done that or we won't be entertaining a lot of guests. I don't know which I would prefer honestly. I am sure there are a lot of people going on vacations since it's summer and all so I kind of expected it. But she will still get all her ladybug decorations and the ladybug cake, plus the bounce house to jump around in. I am looking forward to jumping myself!

Well Serena is awake from her nap as I hear her crying out to me. I will post the lion pictures from recital later!