Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend was lots of fun mixed with some tantrums and crying...but is that really so unusual in a household with a toddler and infant? Friday Richard came home early from work and we decided to drive across town to the mall that has the Inflatable Wonderland for Calli to play in. When we first arrived she decided for some reason that she did not want to play. We had just payed $10 to get in and by God, she was going to play and she was going to LIKE it. There were no other kids there so I wondered if maybe she just needed someone else to play with (adults aren't allowed to jump, no fun!). So we decided to leave and walk around the mall and come back in a bit. We picked up some books for Calli and me at the bookstore (started and finished My Sister's Keeper this weekend which was SO sad, but really good). The next store Calli and I went into alone while Richard fed Serena and Calli had an absolute meltdown. No matter who you are or how great of a parent you think you are, it's always embarrassing when your child throws a full on tantrum (especially when you are inVictoria's Secret). All I could do was pick her up and walk out of the store pretending not to notice any of the stares directed at me. Needless to say, I was in quite a mood after that! We went back to the Inflatable Wonderland where, after lots of coaxing, Calli finally decided to play. There was another little girl there not much older than her that she ended up playing with as well. Finally! Then I had another problem -- convincing her to leave!

On Saturday we were supposed to go to a birthday party for one of Calli's friends in her dance class. We had misplaced the invitation (well, Calli had misplaced it after repeatedly taking it off the fridge), but I knew that I had read the party was at The Little Gym on Huebner. I thought it was weird that the location didn't show up on their website, but I googled it and got an address. We set off early, circled the parking lot about five times looking for the place and then I finally ran into a liquor store to ask just WHERE this Little Gym was. Turns out the place had closed down (now the website thing made sense!). The next closest one was near our house and we decided to try and see if the party was there, but it was completely closed. We ended up just having to drive home after wasting a quarter of the gas I had just got. We scoured the house when we got home for the invitation, but it was no where to be found so I could not call the mother to find out just where this party was. I am still curious to see her today and find out. Calli was very disappointed she couldn't go to her party so we promised her something fun to do. We decided to just go to Chuck E. Cheese, that always pleases her and it did not disappoint this time around.

We spent a lazy Sunday morning around the house and in the early afternoon headed to the local YMCA to check it out. We are thinking about joining the Y for their gym. They also offer other activities, such as a movie night for families once a month, a coming-soon pool with water slides and free swimming lessons and discounts for sports Calli can play in the fall (SOCCER). This seems like a good option for us, so we are going to go use our free pass tomorrow and make sure we like it. I need to get back in shape and lose these last few pounds (okay, it's more than a *few* but don't tell!). With this hot HOT summer already upon us South Texans it's getting just miserable to keep wearing jeans. But it's all I have right now and I refuse to buy a bunch of clothes in a size I won't be for very long. With the heat index over 100 for the last week I'm thinking maybe I should just sit outside and sweat off the weight.

So yesterday (Monday and Memorial Day) we headed to a sports store to buy me a new pair of running shoes. The last pair I had I bought in 2003 and they are about a half a size too small. I am so happy with my new PINK running shoes. After that we went to Linens N Things and bought some adirondak chairs for our backyard. We have a tiny slab of patio and nothing to sit on out there when Calli is playing so I wanted to get something cheap and comfy. Although it is super hot out during the day, by the early afternoon the backyard begins to shade over so it's not TOO unbearable by early evening. Of course, I am saying this in May and I reserve the right to change my mind in July. I think we are going to have another hot, record breaking summer like 2006. We have already broke two record temperatures in the last few weeks. Last summer here was soggy, rainy, wet and miserable and I couldn't decide which was worse, the heat or the rain. Not that it was much cooler when it rained out though and it was SO muggy, which I can't stand. So I suppose that was worse.

Because this blog is already so long, here are a few other things that happened last week in condensed fashion: we got a garage door opener installed, I signed Calli up for soccer tots that starts next Saturday, my youngest sister has decided to come out and visit us in a few weeks, and I convinced Calli she wants a ladybug party instead of another princess one.



dennisandsong said...

I so appreciate your story of the melt down in the store. You are right no matter how great you are you are never ready for the melt downs that occur in public. I always hope that the onlookers are looking with sympathy rather than judgement!! I know when I see a tantrum my thoughts are always for the parent!! It sounds like you had a great week end even with the few bumps in the road!!
Miss you tons and thanks for your comment on my last blog!!

Heather Guymon said...

We are thinking about joining the Y too...I just have not gotten around to doing it just yet. You look great by the way. You SO don't even look like you have had two kids!