Friday, May 30, 2008


I have to go to the body shop today. Yesterday on our way home from the library we got rear-ended. I was yielding at a yield sign to go right and a big truck bumped me from behind. Luckily he wasn't going TOO too fast and there are just a few scratches on the bumper. The girls were fine which was, of course, my first concern. On impact Serena had been sleeping but woke up and cried for a few seconds before falling back to sleep. I don't think Calli even realized what was going on. The guy felt so terrible and was really nice and really, I don't find the need to be a bitch in these kind of situations. As long as my kids and I are fine, I am happy. A car can be fixed, replaced, children are my life and irreplacable.

We also got to go to a fun indoor playplace yesterday called fiddlestiks . We had been there once before but Calli was the only one there. This time there were three other boys to play with. One of them kept picking out some dresses for Calli to wear in the dress up section. There was another boy, about 3-4, who was playing with the pink vanity in that same section. Well, you could tell his dad was NOT happy about that. He kept calling the boy over (he wouldn't come) and making little remarks to his wife and grandma with him. Finally he went over to the boy and whispered something in his ear to which the boy replied "but we can play with anything we want!" When the same boy had a pink wand in his hand his father made the comment "you better be pretending that is a sword". Ummm, seriously!!??! What was this dad so concerned about? That playing with a vanity and wand for five minutes was going to scar his masculine son for life? Because yeah, I'd much rather have my child pretending that their wand is a dangerous weapon than a fairy wand. Some parents would just find this funny that their son is playing with these toys. This guy took it a little too far I think. Sure, you don't have to buy your kid pink clothes and make-up, but for goodness sake, it's not going to change his life if he plays with it for a few minutes. And we wonder why grown men have a hard time showing their emotions, aren't as sensitive as women, and don't call their mothers as often as they should. Maybe it's because of the way we raise our boys..............

I am so happy it is the weekend. Calli has her soccer class tomorrow morning and a birthday party in the afternoon so we will be busy busy. So here are some pictures from the last few days. I actually forgot I had a few on the camera already from the Inflatable Wonderland we went to last weekend. Enjoy!

Bouncing around on Sesame Street

Stopping for a quick picture...she can't resist the camera!

Going up.........

.......and sliding down!

Hi Mom!

Cute girl

I love my sister!


Steph said...

I'm so jealous you have so many fun play things to take the kids to in your area! I wish we had half of the things that are near you. The pictures of Calli and Serena are so cute by the way!

dennisandsong said...

The kids are soooo cute!!! Watch out boys, here come the Ratcliff girls!!